Monday, February 7, 2011


ahhh..2 more days..really can't wait..i need a break like..STAT! huhu..that's because i'm not feeling well today..luckily my presentation has been postponed, i got more time to sleep n rest this morning..huhu..really hate this's exactly the same as what happened before my birthday last time..dat's why i'm not eating anything..since morning..yeah..macam tak caye je, but when i smell food i feel more nauseated. really afraid to eat anything, i'm afraid i'll end up vomiting like last time..which is..grossss..i hope i can survive tonight..hopefully nothing much so that i can recharge myself n will not cause trouble to my partner..-_-

just now i almost got my appetite back, but now its gone again..haih..ya Allah, please give me strength to go through tonight n 2 more nights. aminnn..

wehuuuu ^-^~~~~


- e n i g m a - said...

sarra!! sape2!! tak story pun!

ssms said...

hahaha..baru perasan..keke..nnt la story k :P