Wednesday, February 9, 2011

busy night

wahhh..last night was such a tiring the start of shift already everything looks so busy, like so many things were going on when i entered labour room..hmph, nak2 ade 5 lscs last night..huhu..and the last part i even gave wrong info to my MO coz probably my brain is not functioning well..uhuk2, sorry boss..-_-"

remind me of last week when i had 9 cases back to back n one of it almost makes my heart stops...babies r supposed to be born with a heartwarming feeling, not giving others heart attack..huhu

the funny thing is my partner n i both have a same dream..really..when we woke up, we were like, "i thought there's a prem case but what happened?"it's weird that we kinda know about the case but no one inform, it felt so real..then later we found out there is actually a prem case but was being tocolysed..huhu..luckyyy..if not..sah2 dua2 collapse and takde orang nak resus kan..:P..but its funny bout d part we both woke up and wondering bout the same thing..haha, as if we communicate through dreams..hahaha

ya Allah, tonight will be the last night..i really really pray everything will go smoothly..n today i hope my presentation will go well..amiinnnn.. ~~~ ^-^

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