Sunday, February 5, 2012

taking step two

Subhanallah..all praises to Allah..i have just completed week one of Valley of the Seekers and there was nothing that can describe how I'm feeling right now..only Allah knows, what's really inside of me. the only thing I can say it, it's definitely what I've been searching for..I know, there are still lots I don't know but I'm gonna make full use of this little knowledge I know..Alhamdulillah..

so I am taking step two..which is to remove my distractions. Facebook games and everything. yes, I deleted all the games I played. the other day I was thinking, what am I doing everyday? I should stop it, doing window shopping online and kissing virtual boyfriend every 8 hours everyday? seriously? that's what I've been filling my time with? How wasted..seriously. I was planning to stop but somehow there was not a strong reason for me to do it, actually, I was not strong enough to do it..and today, I finally have the leave it behind. I know, to others it isn't much, whatever la, its just a game or games. But to me, it is one small steps that surely benefit me in a long time. there are still many other distractions, but if I manage to remove this, I'm sure I'll be able to do it again, insyaAllah.

well, there are still many things to do. Living with the names of Allah. I will try my best. Keep going, one step at a time :)

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