Friday, February 22, 2008

birthday celebration

Happy Birthday to Abah!

My mum, my dad and I went to Eden Subang Parade to celebrate my dad's birthday. It was just a simple celebration since there were only 3 of us -abang, kakak and kaklang who's living far from home couldn't make it (especially kaklang who's 6 hours behind Malaysia's time) and as for adik, she's busy with classes (even on weekends, huh).

Anyway, while we were having our meals, my mum suddenly said it seems the Western teaches us to eat using left hand (you see, people normally holds the knife with the right hand to cut and the fork on the left hand). I add silently to myself, I would normally cut the meat into pieces with knife on the right hand then put the knife down and use the fork with the right hand (huhu). But of course, I've seen almost everyone uses their left hand to hold the fork (so I guess that's the correct way) .But my dad disagrees, he says that Americans do hold their fork with the right hand. Hearing that, I exchange the fork and knife and started using the left hand to cut the meat, and it was actually easy! I thought since I'm right handed, it would be awkward for me, but it's not! I wonder why I've never thought of doing that, even though I've seen my sister (she's left handed) did it but I've never actually try using my left hand. So much things yet to discover, I guess. You never know if you don't try!

Well, the food was great and my stomach is so full right now..Burp!

--The Menu:
me- Grilled Boneless Chicken with Black Pepper sauce +fries and salad
ma- Grilled Norwegian Salmon
abah- Lamb Chop

at an affordable price [of course!] =)

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